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Grant Writing is a Team Activity

Are your current grant writing strategies sustainable? No matter how skilled or seasoned, a single grant professional cannot successfully manage this monumental and critical process alone over time. And simply providing occasional input and formal approval to submit is not enough to ensure competitiveness and prevent burnout. Grant writing needs to be a team activity!

While establishing a successful grant team takes time and effort, it pays dividends in the end. Webinar presenter Diane Leonard, owner of DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services, is “driven to support nonprofits in creating twice the impact in half the time and making grants less stressful along the way.” Join to hear Diane explain how to create and facilitate a grant team with a shared vision and the ability to continuously improve.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

Fill out the registration form to sign up for this free sector education webinar. If you can’t attend, register anyway and the recording will be emailed!

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