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Investing in Regenerative Agriculture Infrastructure Across Value Chains

Author: Croatan Institute


Regenerative farms rely on small-to-mid scale, aligned infrastructure to process, transport, and market their products. These middle infrastructure businesses help to improve farm income and bolster regional food economies while providing significant social and environmental benefits. However, their unique business models require innovative and patient forms of capital to grow and succeed.

This report identifies finance opportunities and pathways to build resilient value chains for regenerative farms. The authors examined over 100 regenerative agriculture infrastructure businesses based in the United States and interviewed 34 capital providers, regenerative business owners, and technical assistance practitioners. The report outlines the lessons learned for investing in infrastructure that works with the unique needs of regenerative agricultural enterprises. The aim is to encourage greater investment in infrastructure, which will expand regional and profitable regenerative markets.

Regenerative Agriculture Infrastructure Database: Through this research, the Croatan Institute team compiled a database of regenerative agriculture infrastructure companies and capital providers.

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